Judie Steeves – Recording Secretary

I grew up in the Okanagan, roaming the hills and fishing with my Dad, then took journalism at Vancouver Community College after working for a year, part-time, for the Penticton Herald. After stints as editor of the Delta Optimist, then as a reporter for the daily Columbian Newspaper, I worked for Douglas College, Pacific Vocational Institute, BCIT and UBC as an information officer.

We then moved to an isolated part of the Cariboo with our first baby, where we had our second, and where we built a log home on 40 acres off the power grid surrounded by the forest.

It was amazing to live so close to the natural world that has always fascinated me. There’s always something new to learn about bugs and birds, plants and animals, air and water, rocks and earth and how interconnected they all are. While there, I produced a beef recipe book for the B. C. CattleBelles.

In 1985, we moved back to the Okanagan where I wrote for the Kelowna Capital News for 22 years, including weekly outdoors column, called Trail Mix, and a weekly food column, from Jude’s Kitchen. Other books include Okanagan Trips and Trails, co-authored with Murphy Shewchuk first published in 1999, then updated in 2019 with Jude’s Kitchen was published in 2011, and Black Mountain Gold in 2020. She is semi-retired.