Priority Projects

Named Endowment Fund

If you wish to support the Central Okanagan Land Trust directly, you can establish a Named Endowment Fund with a gift of over $10,000. To make this contribution option more widely available, the Named Endowment Fund can be built through equal annual donations over five consecutive years. Generally, these Named Endowment Funds will be registered with the Central Okanagan Foundation.

For more information on this type of Endowment Fund please contact:

Central Okanagan Foundation
#306 – 1726 Dolphin Avenue,
Kelowna, B. C. V1Y 9R9

Land Acquisition Fund Program

From time to time it is important for the Central Okanagan Land Trust to have the financial means to purchase important and/or at risk lands in the region. On those occasions, COLT will use monies from this fund to support those acquisitions either on its own or in partnership with another Land Trust or local government.

Annual Land Inspection Program

As part of our strong commitment to the region’s fragile and unique natural landscapes, the Trust conducts an annual inspection of each property (owned or under a conservation covenant). These inspections help us assess any landscape changes that have been the result of natural or human activity.

You can support this critical component of our stewardship program with a donation that you identify for these purposes on the donation form or in your correspondence.

Operational Program

There is a wide array of work that the Central Okanagan Land Trust does in any given year. This may include everything from meetings with Trust Lawyers and Accountants and community presentations to assessing newly-donated lands and developing community partnerships that support the Central Okanagan’s unique biodiversity. A donation to our On-going Operational Program is a valuable way to ensure this work is carried out in an efficient and timely manner and it helps ensure the long term care of Trust lands and covenant properties.

Open Endowment Fund – The Central Okanagan Land Trust

(Central Okanagan Foundation)

Cash gifts may be directed to The Central Okanagan Land Trust’s ‘Open Fund’ registered with the Central Okanagan Foundation. This account pays an annual income to The Central Okanagan Land Trust to continue our important work in support of regional biodiversity and conservation stewardship. You can make your donation either directly to the Central Okanagan Foundation or to our office. In either case, please make your cheque payable to The Central Okanagan Land Trust – Open Fund.

Central Okanagan Foundation
#225 – 1889 Springfield Road,
Kelowna, B. C. V1Y 5V5