Cedar Mountain Park

Cedar Mountain Regional Park on Chute Lake Road became part of the Johns Family Nature Conservancy Regional Park in 2013, as it is immediately adjacent to it. It includes a popular local climbing area called The Crags.

In 1997, it became necessary to acquire the parking area used for this park, as it was on private property, and it would be expensive to provide alternate access. COLT’s inaugural president, Colin Elliott, was spokesman for the landowners and, even though he was no longer a board member, he obtained consent to sell the five-acre parking area to the Regional District and COLT.

COLT obtained a grant of $4,000 from the Canada Trust Friends of the Environment and a private donation from the Adams family, and contributed $10,000, half the purchase price, so the Regional District could purchase it.

COLT holds a conservation covenant that requires it be preserved as part of the park in perpetuity.